2017 Rules
*Please note these are NOT the weekly Cycleland Speedway Track Rules
Everyone entering the pit area must sign a liability release form. Everyone entering the pit area must wear a pit entry wristband. Violation of this rule will result in the team they represent being disqualified.
Your pit area must be equipped with a serviceable fire extinguisher.
Pit crews are restricted from the race track and the infield while a race is in progress. The only exception is the A main, crew member may be in the A main work area. Violation of this rule will result in the kart they represent being disqualified. During a red flag period, AFTER ALL KARTS HAVE STOPPED, pitmen may help restart their kart.
Race officials have the right to remove any kart from the race due to conditions deemed to be unsafe. Such conditions may include mechanical hazards, as well as unsportsmanlike or unsafe driving practices. The decisions of the race official are final.
You and your team are solely responsible for the safety of both you and your kart.
All karts must be equipped with properly attached lap belts and shoulder harnesses. Minimum 2” belt width is required.
Neck braces are mandatory. Foam type collar is deemed minimum requirement.
Arm and/wrist restraints are mandatory and must keep the driver’s arms inside the cage during a rollover.
Racing suits are strongly recommended. NO shorts cut-offs, short sleeve shirts or open toe shoes.
At least one brake caliper acting on a 6” diameter disc, acting on the rear axle is required. Only hydraulic systems are acceptable. Braking systems must be in working order at all times. Front brakes are allowed.
The end of the exhaust pipe must not extend further than 3” of the outermost edges of the nerf bars, bumpers and wheels.
All engines must have a 6” (or longer) nylon tie attached to the spark plug wire. This allows for emergency shut down by track officials if necessary.
All rules are subject to the referee’s discretion. A referee has the right to make adjustments in unusual situations.
During a race, when a kart pits, it is considered out of the race, and may not return to the track.
Mechanics are not allowed on the track or in the infield. The penalty is the disqualification of the driver.
From the time the car enters the track, there is a two spin rule. Each time a driver spins, (car stops on the track for ANY reason) he will restart at the rear of the pack.
In case of mechanical failure, drivers stopping on the track will be DQ’d.
Any driver who stops on the track to argue with an official will be placed at the back of the pack, and if they continue to argue and holds up the race for one lap, they will be black flagged and must leave the track, ending their race for the evening. Listen to the Raceceiver official – don’t delay.
Fighting and unsportsmanlike conduct by driver or any member of their crew will not be tolerated whether on or off the track. No driver or member of their crew may approach the flagman or enter or try to enter the scoring booth. Any violation of the above would result in immediate loss of points and removal from race and/or suspension from competition.
As soon as the field is in two-by-two formation, the starter will indicate that a start will occur next time by. As the cars reach the back straight, the yellow light will be turned off. At this point, the pole car is to pace the field to start. The start will occur at the front straight marker, when the starter waves the green flag.
Coming down to the green flag, either or both cars in the front row could be called for causing a false start (jumping or lagging back), and will be sent to the rear.
Once the field is in two-by-two line up, any car causing a misalignment will be charged with a false start and must start in the rear, safety condition excluded. The row that the car was in moves forward.
Once the yellow flag has been waved, all drivers must hold their position. Cars not taking the direction of the infield manager will be disqualified.
No driver is allowed to purposefully draw a yellow flag. Stopping on the track, specifically to draw a yellow flag, will result in the driver being disqualified.
After the starter has decided the field is ready, he will turn the yellow light out on the back straight. The lead car can start when it reaches the front straight marker.
The lead car can be charged with a false start, equivalent to jumping, by using jerky starting procedures.
There is a cone on the front straightaway for restarts. No driver can pass before the cone, hit the cone, or go below the cone. On restarts, after all cars have passed the cone, all cars are allowed to pass.
Any car out of the single file line will be charged with jumping the start and will be put back two positions for each car it has encroached upon. Racers jumping two restarts will be disqualified.
Any driver violating any circumstance during the original start and restarts will be penalized at the next stoppage, whether at the next yellow, red, or checkered flag.
Watch the lights. Stop as soon as it is safe. Do not pass the accident, if at all possible.
The only open red flag of the night will be at or near the mid-point of the Open A-Main event. After all cars have come to a stop on the front straightaway one horn blast from the track referee will signify the 5 minute open red period. At the 4 minute mark a double horn blast will signal 1 minute left to complete refueling and adjustments. A final single blast at the 5 minute mark will signal for crews to leave the track.
Right rear tire all classes: Must durometer at or above 50 before and after track time.
All brands approved on all four corners.
Minimum weight applies to ALL races.
Weights must be safely fastened to kart.
Box Stock Kart and Driver 285 pounds
250 Intermediate Kart and Driver 385 pounds
Open Kart and Driver 450 pounds
Open fuel rule for Open division.
Track fuel must be used in all races for the Box Stock and 250 Intermediate divisions.
Substitute Cars: A substitute car(s) may be used in the event of a crash or mechanical failure. If a substitute car is used a track official must be notified and the original driver’s transponder and number must be used in all succeeding events. If the substitution is made after hot laps and before qualifying, the driver using a substitute car will still qualify in their originally schedule place in the qualifying order. If the substitution is made after qualifying, or after any event is complete, the driver must start in last place in their next event on the track. If a driver is later able to use their original car, or they use another substitute car, the driver will not have to start at the tail in the next event.
Substitute Drivers: No driver substitutions will be allowed. If a driver is unable to start their next event they will be scored in last place in that event.
Alternates: If a driver is in a transfer car to the next feature event, but unable to start that event, the driver will be scored in last place of that next event. No alternates will be allowed to take the place of the car already transferred, but unable to start.
Rough driving – drivers who are observed will be warned or disqualified via raceceiver.
No fast driving through the pits - drivers who are observed will be disqualified.
Pay Attention to lineup board – don’t be late. It is the driver and team’s responsibility to be on time.
Manage Congestion in push-off area - leave the left lane open in the push off area for cars to get to the race track.
Any questions not answered here, please send them via the contact form/page